Sunday, November 14, 2010

Coffee Grinds Cry James Lewis

We eat a banana. The banana grew on a banana plant. The plant grew out of the soil. When the soil which is steaming with life (mostly micros feeding on organic matter) sees the banana peel it screams it wants to eat.

Does anyone feel anything when we throw all our organic scraps to the uncontrolled garbage? Even someone living in the city on the fourth floor could manage compost if they wanted. They need some sand, water and a two x two space of soil. Next time that pot of coffee is made the micros would like a caffeine buzz also.

Humic Acid is essentially the waste of microscopic organisms after feasting on matter. Without microscopic organisms nothing lives not even us, we wouldn’t digest food, we wouldn’t have food. It is vitally essential for humic acid to be present in soil in order for fertilizer, lets say the common Miracle Grow (potassium nitrogen phosphorous) to be available or absorbent to the plant. The three main ingredients, potassium gives health to the root, nitrogen the stork and leafs and phosphorus to the flowers.

The more we know the more we grow.

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